Looking back

Looking back at what we did 
I remember it all 
Through the prism of that first hit.

Dearly you held me,
Undone by actions,
Socks on the floor, 
Hair shaped by days. 

I said yes to all the colours,
The shapes you professed.
Lastly the damage done
Fun, end of our time. 

You’re just another stick in the mud,
Drugs at dusk sweet talking at your

Try everything once, 
I always probed to all kind. 

Sixteen, her brain so keen, 
Counting to once, she learnt in first class. 

She moved away, her skills in full sway, 
So much to try, none of the 
Getting by till the day you die. 

First sex, first hit, first kiss with a chick and a soft feel of my clit. 

Twenty one, she’s had it all
And she has a small chip on her 
That’s all. 

Past all that, counting to once, became
Well, a thing of the past 
But ever since then I’ve counted my lusts,
Seeing your face in bliss,
And in the prism of that first hit.
Posted by Maja