The Drowned Scream

I watched my father wading in the water 
with the exploratory children 
out for their latest summer adventure. 
I wish I had their grace and ambition. 
He crouched, locked in a ready position. 
The children modeled his pose. 
Then they took a collective, rapturous plunge 
into the depths of the Red Sea. 
The children screamed as the waves conquered 
their sweaty torsos and sandy hair. 
The depths of those screams 
came from the cold water’s reminder 
that fall was on its way and approaching fast. 
I was too insecure with my body 
to ever release my voice. 
My mouth stayed closed at all costs.
My lips remained locked,
though I wished to share in those screams 
of both terror and excitement. 
I longed to scream those innocent screams,
instead of drowning.