
I aimed to capture the graceful and swaying movements of a dancer in perfect coordination with the music and perfect body control. I have always been fascinated with what all people do with their bodies when they are dancing. When self-discovery is fuelled and led by movement, it feels challenging and liberating, even for the audience. There is one aspect that is growing on me when it comes to photography and that is motion. Whenever I thought of the concept of motion, I wanted to photograph something very refined, in terms of movement. Capturing a ballet dancer through my lens was an incredible experience! While experimenting in photography with various dancers, I realized that when one dances, the movements of the body takes you beyond mere dancing. You, as a dancer, learn to let go of your body from the present moment to a place where you communicate and express in a completely different form. To an observer, it may look like the dancer is controlling their body consciously but during these moments, the dancer is led by their intuition and their emotions, which is reflected in the fluidity of their movements, in stillness and in motion.  

In my project, I focus on the motion that redefines the relationship with the body and ultimately, one’s own self.