Posted By Smple Staff

Phoebe Bridgers, Punisher – Review

It really doesn’t take very long for Punisher to be tremendous. We’re in Kyoto, the monolithic hangover of old Japan, and have just left a temple that looked better in the brochure. Bored, senselessly bored, even a speed train can’t excite us. As friends depart, here’s something – a payphone. A brief call. In fewer than 10 lines, Phoebe Bridgers has locked us inside her head, and narrowed nimbly from the ennui of a touring musician to a father telling his daughter they’re sobering up, and that they wrote her a letter, but she doesn’t have to read it. The heart attack of a frail bond on reverse call charge. Then a cry. Charging horns. Snare. Backing coos like birds breaking a cloud. “I’m gonna kill you,” she assures the fuckup at home, “if you don’t beat me to it / Dreaming through Tokyo skies.” 

 Imagistic dynamite is Phoebe’s escape from a world looking greyer than we expected, or more antagonistic than we were led to believe (take your pick right now…). Through the run of her second album – a slow burn in the wake of other projects, including her super-trio boygenius EP – it’s also our salvation. Rarely does a lyricist emerge in her mid-20s with the specificity and devastation it takes many writers decades to get right. 
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